IDEAL – Research Pages

The IDEAL project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme and seeks to produce four specific outputs. In order to produce the outputs the partners committed themselves to undertaking some appropriate academic research to enable us to clarify and confirm the approach we needed to take in developing these outputs. 

The project, therefore, formed a Research Group, with academic representatives from within the partnership. Our research and exploration has been concerned with the ongoing application for the project’s other intellectual outputs:

See here IDEAL's initial approach to research from the start of the IDEAL project

IDEAL Partners work to a common Ethics Policy for Research and Publication

1. A Scoping Review

The purpose of the qualitative scoping review is to enable the project to focus on outcomes that it can most effectively and efficiently produce, but at the same time providing the background and working context in which it takes matters forward.  There will be overlap between scoping and later outputs of the project, such as the case-studies.

2. Learning from digital adaptations to the coronavirus pandemic: Enhancing apprenticeships and work-based learning in higher education.

Carried out on the theme of HE work-based and work-integrated learning during the pandemic, the review was followed by minimally structured interviews with UK university staff responsible for apprenticeship and other work-based programmes. More attention is needed on the meaning and effects of digital pedagogy and to its effective use of online methods to support work-based learning, with corresponding implications for staff development. There are institutional implications in terms of ensuring that systems and structures support what is, particularly for work-based learners, likely to be a permanent move towards digital, blended, and online learning.

3. Collection of Abstracts: Knowledge and Practices – Turin LTTA 2021

In November 2021 the IDEAL partners led by the Universita Degli Studi di Torino gathered to discuss research that informed their project work. The partners are pleased to announce that this has now been published. The publication copy is available here.

4. Accessibility and Inclusion in Digital Learning - A Summary of Points from the literature

This review is in the form of a summary of key points arising from the literature as relevant to the project IDEAL, followed by more detailed notes from individual papers. The aim is to produce points relevant to practice rather than an academic summary and we will also use this for our Digital Learning Toolkit.