Assessing and Evaluating (C)
IO2: Digital Competency Framework
This section concerns assessing and reviewing the progress of individual learners, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of interventions, delivery methods and where relevant overall programmes.
C1. Review learner progress.
Using digital tools and media for progress checks, formative assessment and providing feedback
Using digital tools to assist learners to assess their own progress, achievements and options
Enabling learners (and where appropriate others such as employers or placement providers) to contribute to progress reviews and to provide feedback
Using digital tools to record progress and feedback while meeting requirements for privacy, data protection and confidentiality
Using digital tools and media to improve the efficiency of reviews and create a focus on learning.
C2. Adapt review and assessment methods to remove unnecessary barriers.
Ensure that learners are aware of (and where relevant can negotiate) when and how review and assessment will take place
Identifying any additional demands and barriers (likely to be) placed on learners by digital review and assessment methods
Making changes or putting measures in place to reduce barriers and improve access
Making specific adaptations for individual learners who are disadvantaged by the method of assessment or review.
C3. Make assessments against required learning objectives or milestones.
Identifying relevant digital tools and media that can be used to support valid assessments against the relevant learning objectives or criteria
Making assessment decisions based on information provided via digital tools and media
Ensuring that digital tools are used in a way that maintains the accessibility, fairness, validity (appropriateness) and robustness of assessment.
C4. Evaluate digitally-supported teaching and learning
Seeking feedback from learners and where relevant other stakeholders on their experiences
Using digital tools to capture learner and usage data automatically
Using digital tools and media to gain feedback and evaluations from learners and others involved in the programme
Analysing and interpreting data and feedback to identify areas where improvements can be made and successes demonstrated.